Sunday, November 8, 2009

Im not crazy

Im not crazy there are people like me

Hei this post is dedicated to all those people who say im crazy to post so much espically joseph :D
Are you a Blue-Blooded Blogger (BBB)?

How to know you are a BBB? You're a BBB if you are addicted to blogging. I want to borrow Shai's quite funny article. She has outlined few things to detect the addiction.

* you have more blog friends than 'real life' friends.
* you're blogging in your head before you fall asleep.
* your out of town husband and you converse in your blog's comments.
* you tell your friends and family things like, "I'll ping you and you ping me back," or "Okay, I want to trackback on your last comment..."
* you blog in your head an event that's happening at that very moment!
* you actually take the time to figure out how to set up Active Desktop in Windows just so that you can make your Bloglines MyBlogs page your Windows background.
* and then you actually leave it that way because you like it... and you make that your browser home page.
* all of the visible entries in your browser's links toolbar relate to blogging!

Here is more from the Blogger's Blog.

Among bloggers, addiction is a running joke. One even offered a checklist: "You are addicted to blogging if you answer 'yes' to at least three of the following questions,": Do you think about everything in terms of whether it will make a good blog entry? Do you keep your computer in standby mode beside your bed and wake up at 2 a.m. to blog? Do you skip lunch and blog instead?

The Mercury News writes, "What starts out as a hobby for some can end up permeating their lives and minds. Some of the diarists post repeatedly throughout the day, juggle several blogs and feel anxious if they don't write. Most dedicated bloggers say the endeavor has enriched their lives, but some worry about finding balance and keeping their obsession in check."

"Blue-Blooded Blogger" is not just about the addiction, but more on the passion and love for blogging and everything related to it.

If you think you possess part, if not all, of what is mentioned above, then spread the word!

FEEL PROUD! Tell the world you are a Blue-Blooded Blogger.
i am a blue blooded blogger :D

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