Monday, January 14, 2013


Most of you know how google works, for those of you who don't here's a simple summary of everything. google has various algorithms that factor in what you type into the search box and brings up the most relevant information to you. thankfully, those algorithms work well, bringing us all our juiciest bits of information and some of our darkest fears. Well, and another thing, the pagerank system. Google takes into account the popularity of certain sites and this is called the "page rank". In laymen terms, that means the more popular < more view// unique clicks> the "blog" or "website" has, the higher up the search pages it will go. as of now, if you search my name, you'd see this blog on the first page! :D but as the 5th result. now i assure you, getting to #1 for something as obscure as a name is pretty easy, that is unless you're named after someone famous or your name is obama. why is it important to reach #1? well it gives your website much more visibility and ease of search, which relates to more visitors and in turn , ad revenue if your for-profit. in my case, i just want people to see that i'm the most famous one of my name. thats all, pretty clean and simple. so now lets get all of this underway. As i've talked about the page rank system before, to preserve this already amazingly high rank, i'd be doing a complete revamp of the blog and afterwards, i'd do a post a day about various interesting stuff. no more, no less, expect anime , movie, electronics and various viral news to come flying across the world to you. Catch ya later. goodbye.