Friday, May 31, 2013

The Great Coca Cola

Coca cola is something that i believe we are all familiar with,after all it's available everywhere and it is rather popular.

One might think that Coca Cola rose to the top through its sheer iconic design and taste but the truth is millions upon millions of dollars are probably poured into this brand to subtly brainwash us to drink it.

Well looking at this ad, it pretty seems pretty much certain that, that is indeed the case.!
I feel like rushing out to buy a can of it right now.. dayummm.

It has had many many ads everywhere in the world and most of em are probably at the top of their class,
there are even movie tie ins. 
and there was this retro one featuring the moonwalking legend.

well those are 3 of the many remarkable ones , apparently there are 1800++ more videos where that came from. just look at the coke channel.
simply amazing.
well whatever coke's doing to make people drink it, i guess its working . it's adverts are top notch and are actually one of the few well thought out ones that i'd gladly watch and not just skip. so yeah. coke keep doing your thing.       -ZW

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Flumpool & Sid

Last weekend, flumpool and SID performed lived in Singapore at Clark Quay, although i barely heard of them, i decided to head on down to the rivers to check them out, and i'm sure glad i did. If you hadn't guessed from the names yet, they are Japanese bands from Japan,( yes i know that's probably quite obvious)

Well, lets move on to the actual performance itself. Flumpool performed first,believe it or not, even before their arrival the crowd were already singing their songs.Japanese songs at that. That's the power of flumpool.
They played outstandingly, one of the best performances i've ever seen.

Sid then took the stage. they took the stage by storm, greeting fans by throwing bottles of water into the crowd, the bottles spun and spilled out all over the crowd, one would think that the crowd would be angry to get wet but in this case, caught up in the fandom, i guess no one really cared. it was glorious. 

somewhere along the line, they transformed into sparking balls of light and i've could have sworn it was a full moon that night.
Thats Flumpool btw. 

So that's pretty much their performances, watch it for a little while and enjoy it if you can, but the real thing is always better, so next time they perform , do try to catch them live, they are awesome.!