Thursday, April 16, 2015

Using Azure to make a Minecraft Server!

Did you know that Azure doesn't just allow you to host websites and create wordpress sites easily, it also allows you to create virtual machines, virtual machines that can run minecraft servers!

In this post ,I will be detailing the simple process of creating a minecraft server on Azure

Firstly head over to
and press create virtual machine.
( you must already have an azure account and be logged-in )

afterwards simply fill in the details such as username and password , choose your pricing tier and you'd be almost done, give Azure a few minutes to provision the virtual machine , grab a coffee or a nice cup of tea while you wait.

With theses few simple steps, you have successfully created a dedicated virtual machine within minutes that runs a minecraft server that anyone in the world can connect to, because it is within the Azure plateform, as long as your VM is running your server will be online , no need to host the server locally on your own computer and hog up your hardware , you and your friends will be able to enjoy playing together on your very own server without the hassle of you having to go through the installation procedures and relaunching the server every time you want to play, with Azure the server will be up 24/7 for anyone of your buddies to log in and play!

Awesome right? check out Azure today!

To connect to the server check out

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