Have u ever took part in a competiton before? if yes u would know the adreline rush that u would feel.well if u like those type of adreline rushes i know that u might like this type of adreline rush!. well this is a story as well as a update on the 2012 thing.
One day John was surfing the facebook while he stumbled onto a competiton on the internet. it was called 2012 escape ship and he decided to enter it, the thing was he wasnt sure if he could win and the prize was a big 50 tickets to see 2012.well anyway this john dude decided to enter the competition.
details of competiton
To win is to be in top 10 in the competition, to be in top 10 is to have people in your ship the more people you have the more points there is. the points is used to determine the position in the competition
after joining the competition, john asked his friends to join his team or ship and when he thought he would win, a new level of difficulity came, all the people had increased number of points and john was left to eat the dust, john quickly started recruiting more people and soon he was on the winning track again.John was CONSTANTLY worried about losing so the only thing on his mind was the competition that is what we call adreline for this type of competitions. The End. oh btw the ending is hopefully john wins the competition and goes to the movie with his friends! :D
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